
From the Team

Unmasking the Threat

Real-Life Stories of Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Join STACK Cybersecurity and our SIEM vendor, Todyl, for an informative webinar at 11 a.m. on Oct. 17, 2024. This will be the most engaging event you attend for Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Learn More and Register

Why Your Company Needs a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment (CSRA)

Mar 6, 2024

With data breaches and cyber threats lurking around every corner, businesses face a formidable challenge: safeguarding their sensitive information. A cybersecurity risk assessment (CSRA) focuses on assessing an organization's team, network, and data to identify weaknesses and risks, guiding the creation of an action plan to address security issues. Imagine your business as a medieval castle. A risk assessment is like inspecting the castle walls for weak spots. It identifies vulnerabilities... Read More

QR Code Phishing (Quishing) on the Rise: How to Stay Protected

Mar 5, 2024

QR codes are ubiquitous nowadays, directing users to URLs with a simple tap. However, just like every coin has two sides, these Quick Response codes are also being exploited for nefarious purposes. In fact, a U.S.-based energy firm encountered nearly 29% of more than 1,000 malicious emails containing QR codes in May 2023. Adversaries are increasingly using QR codes in their phishing strategies to: Acquire credentials and personal details, trick victims into paying off hackers, install malware, gain remote access to devices.... Read More

Data Breach Aftermath: A Lingering Shadow

Mar 4, 2024

In our digital era, data serves as the lifeblood of businesses. It powers operations, informs decision-making, and shapes customer interactions. However, lurking beneath this data-centric landscape lies a sinister underbelly: the persistent menace of data breaches. These breaches have consequences that stretch far beyond the immediate aftermath, often haunting businesses for years to come. Surprisingly, only 51% of the total data breach costs materialize within the first year of an incident.... Read More